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New Mexico Business Directory 1903-1904

published in 1904 by Gazetter Publishing Company, Denver CO

Union County Entries

Listings include names of local businessmen and the nature of their business. There are also separate listings for livestock farmers, wool growers, and other businesses by business classification (similar to current "yellow pages"). The book lists the following communities and their descriptions. Some of the communities were annexed to Harding County at its creation in 1921.

ALBERT (Now in Harding County)

A small settlement in Union County, 60 miles southwest from Clayton, the principal shipping point; stockraising the principal industry; population, 25

Chavez, Mariano (sheep)
Garcia, Preciliano (sheep)
Gonzales, Jose Felipe (sheep)
Hansen, H. M. (gen'l mdse, postmaster, cattle)
Mitchell, T. E. (cattle, horses)
Roybal, Albino (sheep)
Salazar, Vidal (sheep)
Valdaz, Pedro A. (sheep)
Toribino, Vigil (sheep)


Post office in Union County, 18 miles southwest from Clayton, the nearest railroad point; stockraising the principal industry; population of neighborhood, 100

Chavez, L. (cattle)
Foster, H. M. (cattle)
Garcia, Candido (cattle)
Garcia, Leno (cattle, gen'l mdse)
Hartley, D. N. (postmaster, real estate surveyor, cattle)
Martinez, Bonifacio (gen'l mdse, cattle)
Martinez, Juan (cattle)
Sanchez, Alberto (cattle)
Sanchez, Antonio (cattle)
Sanchez, P. (cattle)


Small post office in Union County, 55 miles southwest of Clayton, the nearest railroad point; stockraising the principal industry; population, 30

Bushnell Bros. (gen'l mdse)
Bushnell, C. J. H. (postmaster)

BUEYEROS (Now in Harding County)

Post office in Union County, 55 miles northeast from Clayton, the nearest railroad point; stockraising the principal industry; population, 25

Tixier, Miguel (postmaster)


Post office in Union County, 25 miles southwest from Clayton, the nearest railroad point; stockraising the principal industry; tri-weekly mails; population, 20

Overberg, V. A. (gen'l mdse, postmaster)


The county seat of Union County and the most important town in Northeast New Mexico is located on the Colorado & Southern Railroad, 10 miles west from the dividing line between New Mexico and Texas. Surrounded by an extensive stockraising country, Clayton furnishes supplies to a wide range of the county. Here the federal land office for the northeastern portion of New Mexico is situated. It has electric light and water works, a telephone system, a splendid public schools system and a fine public school building, a Methodist and Christian church, a number of secret societies, many business establishments and contains many nice homes. There is a first class hotel in the town. A $20,000 courthouse was recently completed. Two weekly newspapers, one in English and the other in Spanish, are published in the town. Coal deposits are being worked in a small way. Clatron is fortunate in having active, energetic, progressive businessmen who believe in the future of their city and are willing to do for its best interests. population 1100 and still growing.

Individual business listings still under construction

DEHAVEN (Now in Harding County)

Post office in Union County, 22 miles east of Roy, the nearest railroad point; sheep raising the principal industry; tri-weekly mails; population of neighborhood, 100

Traister, D. C. (postmaster)
Traister Bros. (gen'l mdse, cattle, sheep)


A growing town in the northwestern corner of Union County on the Colorado & Southern Railroad, 70 miles (by rail) southeast of Trinidad, Colorado. An important supply point for stockgrowers of southern Colorado and northeastern New Mexico. Good schools and churches; population, 600; altitude 6,400<

Individual business listings still under construction

GALLEGOS (Now in Harding County)

Post office in Union County, 22 miles east of Roy, the nearest railroad point; sheep raising the principal industry; tri-weekly mails; population of neighborhood, 100

Fuentes, Manuel (cattle, sheep)
Fuentes, Runaldo (cattle, sheep)
Gallegos, E. F. (gen'l mdse, postmaster)
Gallegos, E. M. (cattle, sheep)
Gallegos & Sons, Mrs. Francisco (horses, cattle, sheep)
Sandoval, E. (cattle, sheep)

KIOWA SPRINGS (no post office) (Now in Colfaxg County)

Small settlement in Union County, 20 miles south from Folsom; stage from Folsom Tuesdays and Saturdays.

No business listings shown

LEON (Now in Harding County)

Post office in Union County, 60 miles south from Clayton, the nearest railroad point; mail tri-weekly; stock raising the principal industry; population of neighborhood, 100

Lujan, M. (postmaster)

LOGAN (Now in Quay County)

Post office and prosperous small town in Union County on the Chicago, Rock Island & El Paso Railway, 70 miles southwest of Dalhart, Texas; supply point for an important stock raising district; population, 100; altitude 3,800 feet

Individual business listings still under construction

MIERA (Now in Harding County)

Post office in Union County, 40 miles south from Clayton, the nearest railroad point; stock raising the principal industry; population of neighborhood, 200

Individual business listings still under construction

NARA VISA (Now in Quay County)

Post office in Union County and station on the Chicago, Rock Island & El Paso Railway, 46 miles southwest from Dalhart, Texas; an important stock shipping point; population of neighborhood, 200

Individual business listings still under construction


Post office in Union County, 45 miles west of Clayton, the most convenient railroad point; stock raising the principal industry; population of neighborhood, 150

Gilg, Carl (gen'l mdse, postmaster, notary public)
Seydel, John (blacksmith)


Post office in Union County, 30 miles east of Folsom, stock raising the principal industry; population, 40

Fisher, Thomas (postmaster)
Sanchez, P. (cattle)

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