Records Available though LDS Family History Centers
The following records have been filmed and are available for limited-period use on a special order basis in Family History Centers maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at locations throughout the world. This by no means represents all Union County records available.
For a more complete list of their holdings, consult the FHLC catalog at your local Family History Center.
Indexes to NM Death Certificates:
- Film # 1991645 - 1899-1930 Surnames: A thru S
- Film # 1991646 - 1899-1930 Surnames: T thru Z
- Film # 1991646 - 1931-1940 Surnames: A thru Z
Union County Delayed Birth Records:
- Film # 1992058 - June 1873 thru November 1895
Union County NM Death Certificates:
- Film # 1913279 - 1927
- Film # 1913282 - 1928
- Film # 1913285 - 1929
- Film # 1913288 - 1930
- Film # 1913291 - 1931
- Film # 1913293 - 1932
- Film # 1913295 - 1933
- Film # 1913297 - 1934
- Film # 1913300 - 1935
- Film # 1913302 - 1936
- Film # 1913305 - 1937
- Film # 1913307 - 1938
- Film # 1913309 - 1939
- Film # 1913312 - 1940
- Film # 1913314 - 1941
- Film # 1913316 - 1942
- Film # 1913319 - 1943
- Film # 1913321 - 1944